Pet sites links, cats clubs websites, dogs products sites and a whole lot more stuff for the animal lover in you.
Pet Sites Links
  Three categories of pet links to choose from so far. Use the menu on the left to visit general pet sites that may not have a specific theme (like this one). Also, clubs that you can join, or find out more information on a specific breed, and products that we think may be interesting or useful to you.
  If you own, or run a website and would like to link to us, please hit the webmasters link at the bottom of the menu, under the pet proofing your home button.
  *As a community service, clubs and animal shelters, DO NOT need to link back to us. General sites and products DO require a reciprocal link.
   **Because of a large amount of submissions, other
sites expecting a link back must have a minimum Page Rank of at least 4 to be listed in this section.

We'll Link To Anybody In Here!
Pet related that is.
  For links to humor sites,
check out the home page
at the bottom left side.


I'm the sphynx

with the best links